(silverfilain) どうせならMaxMBPSとMaxFSも考慮して幅・高さ・fpsからてな感じで、また書くことになった。
(Chikuzen) じゃあ、ちょっと調べてみる
#!/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #**************************************************************************** # TAEC(Tiny Avc Encode Consultant).py # written by Chikuzen # Reference literature: # Rec. ITU-T H.264 (03/2010) – Prepublished version # インプレス標準教科書シリーズ改訂版 H.264/AVC教科書 # 著者:(監修)大久保 榮/(編者)角野 眞也、菊池 義浩、鈴木 輝彦 # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H.264/MPEG-4_AVC # 猫科研究所( http://www.up-cat.net/ ) # x264(vbv-maxrate,vbv-bufsize,profile,level),H.264(Profile/Level) # #**************************************************************************** __version__ = '0.3.3' import sys import getopt import math def set_default(): width = int(1280) height = int(720) fpsnum = int(30000) fpsden = int(1001) profile = 'high' mode = 'progressive' return [[width, height], [fpsnum, fpsden], profile, mode] def usage(): param = set_default() print "\nUsage: taec.py [options]\n" print " -r, --resolution <string> :set 'width x height' ('%ix%i')" % tuple(param[0]) print " -f, --fps <string> :set 'fpsnum / fpsden' ('%i/%i')" % tuple(param[1]) print " -p, --profile <string> :set 'profile' ('%s')" % param[2] print " -i, --interlaced :specify interlaced mode (not specified)" print " -v, --version :display version" print " -h, --help :display this help and exit\n" def check_res_and_fps(arg, r_or_f): try: param = [abs(int(i)) for i in arg.split('x' * r_or_f or '/')] if len(param) != 2: raise SyntaxError except: print "\nERROR : invalid %s setting." % ('resolution' * r_or_f or 'fps') usage() sys.exit() else: return param def check_profile(profile, ipflag): if profile in ('baseline', 'main', 'high'): if profile != 'baseline' or ipflag != 'interlaced': return 1 else: print "\nERROR : baseline cannot accept interlaced." print "\nERROR : invalid profile setting." usage() sys.exit() def calc_bs(resolution, fps, ipflag): fstmp = [int(math.ceil(i / 16.0)) for i in resolution] fs = dbp = fstmp[0] * fstmp[1] mbps = fs * fps[0] // fps[1] if ipflag == 'interlaced': dbp += fstmp[0] * (fstmp[1] % 2) return [mbps, fs, dbp] def calc_lv(bs, ipflag, spec): for i in spec: if bs[0] <= i[1] and bs[1] <= i[2] and bs[2] <= i[3]: return i[0] if ipflag == 'interlaced': print "ERROR : interlaced encoding cannot be done to this video." print "ERROR : there is no suitable setting." usage() sys.exit() def calc_result(profile, bitstream, line): vbv = [int(i * ((profile == 'high') * 1.25 or 1)) for i in line[4]] ref = [16 * (i > 16) or i for i in [line[3] // bitstream[2]]] return tuple([line[0]] + vbv + ref) def display_result(level, profile, bitstream, spec): index = [i[0] for i in spec] try: for i in xrange(len(index)): if index[i] == level: line = spec[i] print "%5s%12i%13i%8i" % calc_result(profile, bitstream, line) level = index[i + 1] except: return 0 def get_spec(): #H.264/AVC spec [(level, MaxMBPs, MaxFS, MaxDbpMBs, [MaxBR, MaxCPB], ipflag]} return [('1.0', 1485, 99, 396, [ 64, 175], 'p'), ('1b ', 1485, 99, 396, [ 128, 350], 'p'), ('1.1', 3000, 396, 900, [ 192, 500], 'p'), ('1.2', 6000, 396, 2376, [ 384, 1000], 'p'), ('1.3', 11880, 396, 2376, [ 768, 2000], 'p'), ('2.0', 11880, 396, 2376, [ 2000, 2000], 'p'), ('2.1', 19800, 792, 4752, [ 4000, 4000], 'i'), ('2.2', 20250, 1620, 8100, [ 4000, 4000], 'i'), ('3.0', 40500, 1620, 8100, [ 10000, 10000], 'i'), ('3.1', 108000, 3600, 18000, [ 14000, 14000], 'i'), ('3.2', 216000, 5120, 20480, [ 20000, 20000], 'i'), ('4.0', 245760, 8192, 32768, [ 20000, 25000], 'i'), ('4.1', 245760, 8192, 32768, [ 50000, 62500], 'i'), ('4.2', 491520, 8192, 34816, [ 50000, 62500], 'p'), ('5.0', 589824, 22080, 110400, [135000, 135000], 'p'), ('5.1', 983040, 36864, 184320, [240000, 240000], 'p')] def set_param(opts, param): for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-r", "--resolution"): param[0] = check_res_and_fps(arg, 1) elif opt in ("-f", "--fps"): param[1] = check_res_and_fps(arg, 0) elif opt in ("-p", "--profile"): param[2] = arg elif opt in ("-i", "--interlaced"): param[3] = 'interlaced' elif opt in ("-h", "--help"): usage() sys.exit() elif opt in ("-v", "--version"): print "tiny avc encode consultant %s" % __version__ sys.exit() return param if __name__ == '__main__': try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "r:f:p:ihv", ["resolution=","fps=","profile=","interlaced","help","version"]) except: usage() sys.exit() param = set_default() if len(opts) > 0: param = set_param(opts, param) else: usage() check_profile(param[2], param[3]) print print " resolution : %i x %i" % tuple(param[0]) print " fps : %i / %i" % tuple(param[1]) print " profile : %s" % param[2] print " encoding mode : %s\n" % param[3] bitstream = calc_bs(param[0], param[1], param[3]) print " MBPS ... %6iMB/s" % bitstream[0] print " FS ... %6iMBs" % bitstream[1] print " DPB ... %6iMBs\n" % bitstream[2] if param[3] == 'interlaced': avcspec = [i for i in get_spec() if i[5] == 'i'] else: avcspec = get_spec() minlv = calc_lv(bitstream, param[3], avcspec) print " suitable settings are ...\n" print " level vbv-maxrate vbv-bufsize max-ref" print " ----------------------------------------" display_result(minlv, param[2], bitstream, avcspec) #changelog # 2010/12/19 0.1.0 公開 # 2010/12/19 0.1.1 いろいろ計算がおかしかったのを修正 # 2010/12/20 0.2.0 lambda式面白い # 2010/12/21 0.3.0 リスト内包とgetoptの存在を知る # 〃 0.3.1 getoptの長文形式における要引数要素に=を付けていなかったのを修正 # 2010/01/02 0.3.2 処理が重複する関数(check_resolution, check_fps)をひとつにまとめた # 2011/03/17 0.3.3 cosmetics
# 2011/10/12 0.3.4 Fix 10Lなにせ「コンサルタント」ですから、まず役にたたないと思われます。