


function DAR_Padding(clip c, float "dar_x", float "dar_y", int "color", int "align") {
    dar_x = default(float(dar_x), float(c.width))
    dar_y = default(float(dar_y), float(c.height))
    color = default(color, $000000)
    align = default(align, 16)

    Assert(dar_x > 0 && dar_y > 0, "\"dar_x\" and \"dar_y\" need to be positive values.")
    Assert(align >= 1, "align needs to be 1 or heigher integer.")

    flag = c.width * dar_y - c.height * dar_x
    subsample_h = c.IsYUY2 || c.IsYV16 || c.IsYV12 ? 2 : 1
    subsample_v = c.IsYV12 ? 2 : 1

    dest_width  = flag < 0 ? int(ceil(c.height * dar_x / dar_y)) : c.width
    dest_width  = dest_width + (dest_width % subsample_h)

    dest_height = flag > 0 ? int(ceil(c.width * dar_y / dar_x)) : c.height
    dest_height = dest_height + (dest_height % subsample_v)

    pad_left = (dest_width - c.width) / 2
    pad_left = pad_left - (pad_left % subsample_h)
    pad_left = adjust_align(pad_left, align, subsample_h)

    pad_right = dest_width - (c.width + pad_left)

    pad_top = (dest_height - c.height) / 2
    pad_top = pad_top - (pad_top % subsample_v)
    pad_top = adjust_align(pad_top, align, subsample_v)

    pad_bottom = dest_height - (c.height + pad_top)

    return c.AddBorders(pad_left, pad_top, pad_right, pad_bottom, color)

function adjust_align(int pad, int align, int subsample) {
    return pad % align == 0 ? pad : adjust_align(pad - subsample, align, subsample)
#include <math.h>
#include "windows.h"
#include "avisynth26.h"

#pragma  warning(disable:4996)

class DAR_Padding : public GenericVideoFilter {

    PClip padded;

    DAR_Padding(PClip _child, const float _dar_x, const float _dar_y,
                const int align, const int color, IScriptEnvironment* env);
    ~DAR_Padding() { }
    PVideoFrame __stdcall GetFrame(int n, IScriptEnvironment* env);

DAR_Padding(PClip _child, const float _dar_x, const float _dar_y, const int color,
            const int align, IScriptEnvironment* env) : GenericVideoFilter(_child)
    double dar_x = !_dar_x ? (double)vi.width : (double)_dar_x;
    double dar_y = !_dar_y ? (double)vi.height : (double)_dar_y;

    double flag = vi.width * dar_y - vi.height * dar_x;
    int dest_width = flag < 0 ? (int)ceil(vi.height * dar_x / dar_y) : vi.width;
    int dest_height = flag > 0 ? (int)ceil(dest_width * dar_y / dar_x) : vi.height;

    int subsample_h = vi.SubsampleH();
    int subsample_v = vi.SubsampleV();
    dest_width += dest_width % subsample_h;
    dest_height += dest_height % subsample_v;

    int pad_left = (dest_width - vi.width) >> 1;
    pad_left -= (pad_left % subsample_h);
    while(pad_left % align)
        pad_left -= subsample_h;

    int pad_right = dest_width - (vi.width + pad_left);

    int pad_top = (dest_height - vi.height) >> 1;
    pad_top -= (pad_top % subsample_v);
    while(pad_top % align)
        pad_left -= subsample_h;

    int pad_bottom = dest_height - (vi.height + pad_top);

    vi.width = dest_width;
    vi.height = dest_height;

    try {
        AVSValue padargs[6] = {child, pad_left, pad_top, pad_right, pad_bottom, color};
        padded = env->Invoke("AddBorders", AVSValue(padargs, 6)).AsClip();
    } catch (IScriptEnvironment::NotFound) {
        env->ThrowError("DAR_Padding: Couldn't Invoke AddBorders.");

PVideoFrame __stdcall DAR_Padding::
GetFrame(int n, IScriptEnvironment* env)
    return padded->GetFrame(n, env);

AVSValue __cdecl Create_DAR_Padding(AVSValue args, void* user_data, IScriptEnvironment* env)
    const float dx = args[1].AsFloat(0.0);
    const float dy = args[2].AsFloat(0.0);
    const int cl = args[3].AsInt(0);
    const int al = args[4].AsInt(16);

    if (dx < 0 || dy < 0)
        env->ThrowError("DAR_Padding: \"dar_x\" and \"dar_y\" need to be positive values.");
    if (align < 1)
        env->ThrowError("DAR_Padding: \"align\" needs to be 1 or higher integer.");

    return new DAR_Padding(args[0].AsClip(), dx, dy, cl, al, env);

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) const char* __stdcall AvisynthPluginInit2(IScriptEnvironment* env)
    env->AddFunction("DAR_Padding", "c[dar_x]f[dar_y]f[color]i[align]i", Create_DAR_Padding, 0);
    return 0;

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